34岁的堪萨斯州重罪Carlito Luis Morales 在迪金森县 领导警方追逐后被捕 Kansas felon Carlito Luis Morales, 34, was arrested after leading police on a chase in Dickinson County.
Carlito Luis Morales, 一个来自堪萨斯州34岁的重罪犯, 在迪金森县的追逐中领导执法部门后被逮捕。 Carlito Luis Morales, a 34-year-old felon from Kansas, was arrested after leading law enforcement on a chase in Dickinson County. 开始追逐时,一名副手试图阻止他驾驶没有灯光的车,未能在标志处停车。 The pursuit began when a deputy attempted to stop him for driving without lights and failing to stop at a sign. Morales持有萨林县尚未执行的逮捕令,面临多项指控,包括逃离警察、驾驶一辆没有点火锁的汽车以及持有毒品。 Morales, who had an outstanding warrant from Saline County, faces multiple charges, including fleeing police, operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock, and drug possession. 他有严重刑事犯罪的历史。 He has a history of serious criminal offenses.