在I-95追逐中躲避警察后被捕的通缉犯,被控犯有多项罪行。 Wanted man arrested after evading police in I-95 chase; charged with multiple offenses.
来自北卡罗来纳州31岁通缉犯Douglas Monroe Jr. 弗雷德里克·门罗在南卡罗来纳州I-95号高速追逐后被捕,因为他未能因交通违规而停止。 Frederick Douglas Monroe Jr., a 31-year-old wanted man from North Carolina, was arrested following a high-speed chase on I-95 in South Carolina after failing to stop for a traffic violation. 追逐以PIT演习结束, Monroe被指控 未能停止蓝色灯光 并拥有大麻。 The chase ended with a PIT maneuver, and Monroe was charged with failure to stop for blue lights and possession of marijuana. 他被多个执法机构通缉,目前持有3 618美元的保证金。 He is wanted by multiple law enforcement agencies and is being held on a $3,618 bond.