一名男子在警察从圣约瑟夫县追逐到卡斯县后被捕,结果坠机。 A man was arrested after a police chase from St. Joseph County to Cass County ended in a crash.
一名来自君士坦丁的37岁男子在圣约瑟夫县开始的警察追逐后被捕,后来在卡斯县Chapel Hill街附近Birch公路坠毁。 A 37-year-old man from Constantine was arrested after a police chase that started in St. Joseph County and ended in Cass County with a crash on Birch Road near Chappel Hill Street. 12月16日上午12时57分左右开始追逐,当时议员试图拦住他的车辆,违反交通规定。 The chase began around 12:57 a.m. on December 16 when deputies tried to stop his vehicle for a traffic violation. 他被指控逃离和躲避警察,持有吊销执照,并持有多重重罪和轻罪逮捕令。 He was charged with fleeing and eluding police, operating with a suspended license, and had multiple felony and misdemeanor warrants.