荷兰人质:枪手在夜总会“威胁引爆炸弹”后被捕。 Dutch hostage: Gunman arrested after ‘threatening to detonate bomb’ in nightclub.
荷兰埃德一家夜总会发生的人质事件于周六结束,一名戴着巴拉克拉瓦面具的男子离开夜店后被警方逮捕。 A hostage drama at a nightclub in Ede, Netherlands, ended on Saturday with the police arresting a man wearing a balaclava mask after he exited the club. 最后一名人质已获释,并逮捕一人。 The last hostage has been released, and one person has been arrested. 目前情况仍在持续,没有迹象表明有恐怖主义动机。 The situation is ongoing, with no indication of a terrorist motive. 特警部队已被部署来处理这一情况,但由于调查仍在进行中,因此分享的信息很少。 Special police units were deployed to handle the situation, and minimal information is being shared due to ongoing investigations.