布伦海姆的警察致力于解决涉及一名在家中持枪男子的人质问题。 Police in Blenheim work to resolve a hostage situation involving a man with a firearm at a house.
新西兰布伦海姆的警察正在处理一名持枪男子在Park Terrace的一栋房屋绑架一名已知的人质后发生的人质事件。 Police in Blenheim, New Zealand, are dealing with a hostage situation after a man armed with a firearm took a known individual hostage at a house on Park Terrace. 两名居住者中的一人逃脱。 One of the two occupants escaped. 没有人员受伤的报告,警察正在努力和平解决局势。 No injuries have been reported, and police are working to resolve the situation peacefully. 邻居已被暂时迁离,公园露台的一部分被封锁,对广大社区没有风险。 Neighbors have been temporarily relocated, and a section of Park Terrace is cordoned off, with no risk to the wider community.