挪威人在圣周期间面临鸡蛋短缺和高价,促使人们在瑞典边境购物。 Norwegians face egg shortage and high prices during Holy Week, prompting border shopping in Sweden.
挪威人在圣周期间面临鸡蛋短缺,促使他们越过边境进入瑞典购买传统的复活节食品。 Norwegians face an egg shortage during Holy Week, prompting them to cross the border into Sweden to purchase the traditional Easter food. 瑞典商店的库存比挪威更好,价格也更低,挪威对生产过剩和禽流感的担忧影响了市场,导致全球鸡蛋价格接近历史高位。 Swedish stores have better stock and lower prices than Norway, where concerns about overproduction and bird flu have impacted the market, causing egg prices to reach near-historic highs globally. 挪威的生活成本一直很高,因此跨境到瑞典购物购买低价商品是一种常见的做法。 Norway consistently has a high cost of living, making shopping trips across the border to Sweden for lower-priced goods a common practice.