研究发现,安大略省的无家可归者患早发性痴呆症的风险较高。 Homeless individuals in Ontario have a higher risk of early-onset dementia, study finds.
一项研究表明,与普通人群相比,安大略省的无家可归者在年轻时患痴呆症的风险更高。 Homeless individuals in Ontario have a higher risk of developing dementia at a younger age compared to the general population, a study suggests. 这项研究使用了 45 岁及以上患者的医疗保健管理数据,发现无家可归者中痴呆症的发病率是其 1.9 倍,尤其是 55-64 岁的人群。 The research, which used health-care administrative data for patients aged 45 and older, found that dementia was 1.9 times more common among unhoused people, particularly those aged 55-64. 该研究呼吁为无家可归者提供住房并尽早进行筛查。 The study calls for housing and earlier screening for the homeless population.