华盛顿州帕斯科市一名 15 岁的偷车贼穿着内衣作为面具,试图偷走两辆起亚汽车,并在追捕后被捕。 15-year-old car thief in Pasco, Washington, wearing underwear as a mask, attempted to steal two KIA vehicles and was arrested after a chase.
华盛顿州帕斯科市一名 15 岁的偷车贼试图在 CM Motors 停车场盗窃两辆起亚汽车,当时他穿着内衣作为临时面具。 15-year-old attempted car thief in Pasco, Washington wore underwear as a makeshift mask while attempting to steal two KIA vehicles at CM Motors lot. 嫌疑人躲在院子里的一艘船下,在附近进行追捕后被捕。 The suspect was apprehended after a chase through the neighborhood, hiding under a boat in a yard. 他被捕并被指控犯有两项企图盗窃汽车的罪名。 He was arrested and charged with two counts of attempted auto theft. 帕斯科警方在 Facebook 帖子上用幽默的标签分享了这一非传统的细节。 Pasco Police shared the unconventional detail with humorous hashtags on their Facebook post.