在阿拉巴马州麦迪逊,一名裸体男子因企图偷警车、袭击他人和闯入汽车而被捕。 Naked man arrested in Madison, AL for attempting to steal police vehicle, assaulting people, & breaking into cars.
一名裸体男子在阿拉巴马州麦迪逊被捕,据称他企图闯入汽车,袭击各行各业的人。 A naked man was arrested in Madison, Alabama, after allegedly trying to break into cars and assaulting people at various businesses. 当警察到达时,他试图偷一辆警车,导致他被拘留。 He attempted to steal a police vehicle when officers arrived, leading to his detention. 此人被控企图盗窃警车和其他扰乱公共秩序罪。 The man is charged with attempted theft of a police car and other public order offenses. 他目前在Huntsville医院接受治疗,将在获释后预订。 He is currently receiving treatment at Huntsville Hospital and will be booked upon release. 当局仍在确认他的身份 Authorities are still confirming his identity.