一名已知的嫌疑犯在Kelowna偷车和徒步躲避警察后被捕。 A known suspect was arrested in Kelowna after stealing a car and evading police on foot.
据警方所知,一名35岁的男子在不列颠哥伦比亚省Kelowna被捕,据称他偷了一辆汽车,徒步逃离。 A 35-year-old man, known to police, was arrested in Kelowna, British Columbia, after allegedly stealing a car and fleeing on foot. 这一事件始于12月12日,当时警方对一辆被盗车辆的报告作出回应。 The incident began on Dec. 12 when police responded to a report of a stolen vehicle. 嫌犯被警察的警犬跟踪,发现躲藏在莱斯特路一栋房屋的地下室。 The suspect, who became aggressive when approached, was tracked by police dogs and found hiding in the basement of a home on Lester Road. 他将在法庭出庭,但调查仍在继续。 He will appear in court but the investigation continues.