加拿大负责任企业监察员发现王朝黄金公司位于中国的哈图奇2金矿存在强迫维吾尔族劳工的证据。 Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise finds evidence of forced Uyghur labor at Dynasty Gold Corp's Hatu Qi-2 gold mine in China.
加拿大企业道德监管机构 Sheri Meyerhoffer 发现,总部位于温哥华的矿业公司 Dynasty Gold Corp 允许在其位于中国新疆地区的金矿进行强迫劳动,尽管在所谓的奴役发生之前就失去了对该项目的控制权。 Canada's corporate-ethics watchdog, Sheri Meyerhoffer, has found that Vancouver-based mining company Dynasty Gold Corp allowed forced labour at its gold mine in China's Xinjiang region, despite losing control of the project before the alleged slavery took place. 梅耶霍夫的报告表明,哈图奇2金矿很可能发生了维吾尔族强迫劳动的情况。 Meyerhoffer's report suggests Uyghur forced labour likely occurred at the Hatu Qi-2 gold mine. 这是加拿大责任企业监察员自 2018 年成立以来做出的首次决定。 This marks the first determination made by the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise since its creation in 2018.