大赦国际的报告批评主要的EV制造者在其供应链中侵犯人权。 Amnesty report criticizes major EV makers for human rights abuses in their supply chains.
大赦国际的新报告突显了BYD、三菱和现代等主要电动汽车制造商供应链中严重侵犯人权的现象。 Amnesty International's new report highlights severe human rights violations in the supply chains of major electric vehicle manufacturers like BYD, Mitsubishi, and Hyundai. 这些公司因供应链和人权做法缺乏透明度而得分不佳。 The companies scored poorly for lacking transparency on their supply chains and human rights practices. 大赦呼吁加强人权尽职调查,特别是在钴、镍和锂等矿物的来源方面,这往往导致诸如童工等侵权行为和采矿社区与污染有关的健康问题。 Amnesty calls for improved human rights due diligence, especially concerning the sourcing of minerals like cobalt, nickel, and lithium, which often lead to abuses such as child labor and pollution-related health issues in mining communities.