密西西比州重罪犯在阿纳康达和巴特的一次被盗车辆追捕中逃避执法后,在蒙大拿州比弗黑德县被捕。 Mississippi felon arrested in Beaverhead County, Montana, after evading law enforcement in Anaconda and Butte, following a stolen vehicle chase.
一名持有密西西比州假释令的重罪犯以及持有枪支的重罪犯在蒙大拿州阿纳康达和巴特逃避执法后在比弗黑德县被捕。 Felon with a Mississippi warrant for parole violation and felon in possession of a firearm was arrested in Beaverhead County after evading law enforcement in Anaconda and Butte, Montana. 蒙大拿州高速公路巡逻队协助了一名被困的驾车者,这名驾车者后来驾驶了一辆被盗车辆并带领警察展开追捕。 The Montana Highway Patrol had assisted a stranded motorist, who later drove a stolen vehicle and led officers on a chase. 车辆在比弗黑德县的州际公路上滑出,嫌疑人在那里被发现并被捕。 The vehicle slid off the interstate in Beaverhead County, where the suspect was found and arrested.