重罪犯逃离警察,撞毁汽车,在房子里设置路障,然后在密歇根州自首。 Felon flees police, crashes car, barricades in house before surrendering in Michigan.
一名 34 岁的暴力重罪犯持有未决的逮捕令,带领警方在卡尔霍恩县埃米特镇的一个交通拦截后进行追捕。 A 34-year-old violent felon with outstanding warrants led police on a chase after a traffic stop in Emmett Township, Calhoun County. 撞车后,他步行逃跑,将自己锁在一所房子里,威胁警察。 After crashing his vehicle, he fled on foot and barricaded himself in a house, threatening officers. 经过四个小时的谈判,他自首并因拒捕和违反枪支规定而被捕。 Following a four-hour negotiation, he surrendered and was arrested on charges of resisting arrest and firearm violations. 案件仍在调查中。 The investigation is ongoing.