David Pozdnyakov, 18轮驾驶员, 在密西西比州被捕前, 领导了一场多州追逐。 David Pozdnyakov, an 18-wheeler driver, led a multi-state chase before being arrested in Mississippi.
一名18轮驾驶员,南卡罗来纳州的David Pozdnyakov在逃离路易斯安那州警方后,领导了一次多县追逐。 An 18-wheeler driver, David Pozdnyakov from South Carolina, led a multi-county chase after fleeing from police in Louisiana. 穿越密西西比州的追捕涉及躲避钉条,最终以克林顿告终,波兹德尼亚科夫将自己堵在卡车里。 The pursuit through Mississippi involved evading spike strips and ended in Clinton when Pozdnyakov barricaded himself in the truck. 警官在打破窗户后逮捕了他。 Officers arrested him after breaking the window. 他面临各种指控,包括重罪逃逸、酒醉、违抗警官和粗心驾驶。 He faces charges including felony fleeing, DUI, disobeying a police officer, and careless driving. 两个州都可能另外收费。 Additional charges from both states are possible.