两人在Moorhead被捕,此前在I-94号公路上一个交通站发生车辆追逐事件。 Two individuals were arrested in Moorhead after a vehicle chase following a traffic stop on I-94.
两人在明尼苏达州Moorhead被捕,此前,一名不合作的司机乘车逃离交通站,开始车辆追逐。 Two individuals were arrested in Moorhead, Minnesota, after a vehicle pursuit that started with a non-cooperative driver fleeing a traffic stop. 来自Bismarck的44岁的司机和来自Ramsey的29岁的女乘客在州警对I-94进行追击干预后被抓获。 The 44-year-old driver from Bismarck and the 29-year-old female passenger from Ramsey were caught after a state trooper performed a pursuit intervention on I-94. 司机因逃离当局而面临指控,并持有多重逮捕证,乘客也是如此。 The driver faced charges for fleeing authorities and had multiple warrants, as did the passenger.