2024年我国船舶出口数量增长59.9%,价值增长180.6%,总计482.5亿元。 2024's ship exports in China rise 59.9% in volume, 180.6% in value, totaling 48.25 billion yuan.
2024年前两个月,中国船舶出口量增长59.9%,出口额增长180.6%。 China's ship exports surged by 59.9% in volume and 180.6% in value in the first two months of 2024. 中国出口船舶937艘,总计482.5亿元人民币(约合68亿美元)。 China exported 937 ships, totaling 48.25 billion yuan (approximately 6.8 billion USD). 这一增长归功于中国造船业的扩张,2023年中国造船业连续14年保持全球市场第一的地位。 This growth has been attributed to the expansion of China's shipbuilding industry, which maintained its top position in the global market for the 14th consecutive year in 2023.