中国继续大雾黄色预警。 China continues yellow alert for thick fog.
国家气象台发布大雾黄色预警,渤海、黄海、东海部分海域以及辽东半岛、山东半岛、浙江省、福建省近海。 China's national observatory issued a yellow alert for heavy fog affecting parts of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and coastal waters in Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula, Zhejiang Province, and Fujian Province. 预计能见度将降至1公里以下,建议船只保持安全距离、调节航速并加强瞭望。 Visibility is expected to be reduced to less than 1 km, and vessels have been advised to maintain a safe distance, regulate speed, and strengthen their lookout. 中国对大雾实行三级颜色预警系统,红色是最严重的预警,其次是橙色和黄色。 China has a three-tier color-coded warning system for thick fog, with red being the most serious warning, followed by orange and yellow.