在马里村庄袭击中,有20人被打死,数人受伤;圣战团体被怀疑。 Twenty killed, several injured in Mali village attacks; jihadist groups suspected.
星期五,在马里班迪亚加拉地区的6个村庄遭到袭击,有20人丧生,数人受伤。 Twenty people were killed and several injured in attacks on six villages in Mali's Bandiagara region on Friday. 据信是圣战团体的袭击者烧毁了粮仓,并造成当地民众逃离。 The assailants, believed to be jihadist groups, burned grain silos and caused local populations to flee. 这一事件使人们担心马里针对这些团体的军事行动是否有效,这些团体自2012年以来一直活跃。 This incident raises concerns about the effectiveness of Mali's military efforts against such groups, which have been active since 2012. 军政府尚未对这些袭击作出评论。 The military junta has not yet commented on the attacks.