尼日利亚的Owake和Ebo社区因土地假死亡、受伤和破坏而发生冲突。 Clashes between Owake and Ebo communities in Nigeria over land leave deaths, injuries, and destruction.
尼日利亚翁多州Owake和Ebo社区之间的社区冲突已造成死亡、受伤和重大财产损失,包括一座宫殿和几座建筑物被毁。 Communal clashes between Owake and Ebo communities in Ondo State, Nigeria, have led to fatalities, injuries, and significant property damage, including the destruction of a palace and several buildings. 暴力事件因土地争端而爆发,Owake社区成员在有争议的土地上竖立路标。 The violence erupted over a land dispute, with Owake community members erecting signposts on contested land. 翁多州警察已部署一个小组来恢复和平,并逮捕了与冲突有关的25人。 The Ondo State police have deployed a team to restore peace and arrested 25 individuals connected to the conflict. 警方也正在追捕关键嫌疑犯。 Police are also hunting for key suspects.