拜登加倍下注内华达州住房成本削减计划。 Biden Doubles Down on Housing Cost Reduction Plan in Nevada.
拜登总统加大了内华达州住房成本削减计划的力度,呼吁国会支持建造和修复另外 200 万套住房,降低租房者的成本,并帮助首次购房者和寻求换大房或换小房的家庭。 President Biden doubles down on housing cost reduction plan in Nevada, calling on Congress to support the construction and rehabilitation of 2 million additional homes, lower costs for renters, and help first-time homebuyers and families seeking to trade up or downsize. 访问期间,拜登强调通过美国救援计划在内华达州投资10亿美元,以增加经济适用房供应并降低住房成本。 During his visit, Biden highlights the $1 billion investment in Nevada through the American Rescue Plan to increase affordable housing supply and reduce housing costs. 总统还针对他声称人为抬高租金的房东,这是他反对企业定价权过大的更广泛运动的一部分。 The President also targets landlords he claims are keeping rents artificially high, as part of his broader campaign against outsized corporate pricing powers.