VP Harris的住房目标促使各州采取新的建筑政策,应对成本上升问题。 VP Harris' housing goal drives states to act on rising costs with new building policies.
副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)关于建造300万套新房屋的竞选承诺激励立法者解决房租和房价上涨的问题。 Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign promise to build 3 million new homes has spurred lawmakers to address rising rents and home prices. 各国正在实施解决方案,如放宽密度规则,允许人造住宅,以及简化建筑流程以增加住房供应。 States are implementing solutions like relaxing density rules, allowing manufactured homes, and streamlining construction processes to increase housing supply. 尽管联邦出现拖延,但州长和市长正在采取行动解决住房危机,预计到2025年将有更多的州级政策举措。 Despite federal delays, governors and mayors are taking action to tackle the housing crisis, with more state-level policy initiatives expected in 2025.