财政部长耶伦宣布将在三年内为美国各地提供 1 亿美元的经济适用住房计划。 Treasury Secretary Yellen announces a $100 million program for affordable housing across the US over three years.
财政部长珍妮特·耶伦宣布拜登政府计划制定一项 1 亿美元的计划,旨在为美国各地提供经济适用住房。 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced the Biden administration's plan to create a $100 million program aimed at providing affordable housing across the US. 这笔资金将在三年内发放,用于资助住房项目并使中等收入和低收入人群更容易获得住房。 The money will be distributed over three years to fund housing projects and make housing more accessible to those with moderate or low incomes. 这一举措是政府为解决后疫情时代住房供应短缺和生活成本上升而做出的更广泛努力的一部分。 This initiative is part of the administration's broader efforts to address the housing supply shortage and the rising cost of living in the post-pandemic era.