英格兰和威尔士实施了新的量刑指南,考虑到孕妇对其孩子的影响。 England and Wales implement new sentencing guidelines considering pregnant women's impact on their children.
英格兰和威尔士的新指导方针将降低孕妇被送进监狱的可能性。 New guidelines in England and Wales will make it less likely for pregnant women to be sent to prison. 量刑委员会的指导要求法院考虑入狱时间对孕妇及其子女的影响,该指导将于 4 月 1 日生效。 The Sentencing Council's guidance requires courts to consider the impact of prison time on pregnant women and their children, coming into force on 1 April. 委员会建议,在对孕妇或产后妇女判刑时,应考虑罪犯的医疗需要、心理健康状况以及刑罚对孩子的影响。 The Council suggests that when sentencing pregnant or postnatal women, the medical needs of the offender, her mental health, and the effect of the sentence on the child should be considered.