孟买高等法院向孕妇提供为期六个月的保释,以保护她及其未出生婴儿的健康。 Bombay High Court grants pregnant woman six-month bail to protect her health and that of her unborn child.
Nagpur孟买高等法院给予Surbhi Soni六个月的临时保释,Surbhi Soni是一名因毒品案件被捕的孕妇。 The Bombay High Court in Nagpur has granted a six-month temporary bail to Surbhi Soni, a pregnant woman arrested in a drug case. 法院裁定,在监狱分娩会伤害Soni及其未出生的孩子,囚犯有权享有尊严。 The court ruled that giving birth in prison could harm both Soni and her unborn child, and that prisoners are entitled to dignity. 尽管案件严重,涉及33公斤毒品,但法院将孕妇的健康和福祉放在优先地位。 Despite the seriousness of the case, involving 33 kilograms of drugs, the court prioritized the health and well-being of the pregnant woman.