针对前“红军”的特赦拨款获得参议院 23 比 0 的批准。 Amnesty grant for ex-‘Reds’ gets 23-0 Senate approval.
菲律宾参议院一致通过一项决议,对菲律宾共产党、菲律宾民族民主阵线和新人民军前成员进行特赦。 The Philippine Senate has unanimously approved a resolution granting amnesty to former members of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, and the New People's Army. 参议院以 23 比 0 的投票结果通过了众议院第 1 号并行决议。 The Senate voted 23-0 in favor of House Concurrent Resolution No. 20 日,对因政治信仰而犯下罪行的前成员进行大赦。 20, which provides amnesty for former members who have committed crimes in line with their political beliefs. 此举预计将使约 3,000 名前成员受益,另外还有超过 17,000 名投降者和 22,000 名退出该团体支持的个人。 The move is expected to benefit around 3,000 former members, with additional applicants from over 17,000 surrenderers and 22,000 individuals who withdrew support from the groups. 此次特赦涵盖了修订后刑法和特别刑法中与叛乱和叛乱有关的罪行。 The amnesty covers crimes related to insurrection and rebellion under the Revised Penal Code and special penal laws.