2023-03-27:魁北克警官莫林·布劳被刺死,嫌疑人艾萨克·布劳亚德·莱萨德袭击警官威廉·贝鲁亚德,后来被警方击毙。 2023-03-27: Quebec police sergeant Maureen Breau stabbed to death, suspect Isaac Brouillard Lessard attacks officer William Berrouard, later shot dead by police.
魁北克验尸官正在听取参与一项导致一名省警官和杀害她的男子死亡行动的警官的意见。 A Quebec coroner's inquiry is hearing from police officers involved in an operation that led to the deaths of a provincial police sergeant and the man who killed her. 莫林·布劳中士被刺死,被嫌疑人打伤的警官威廉·贝鲁阿德作证说,在逮捕企图中,嫌疑人艾萨克·布鲁亚尔·莱萨德用刀袭击他,他感到很惊讶。 Sergeant Maureen Breau was stabbed to death, and officer William Berrouard, who was injured by the suspect, testified that he was taken by surprise when the suspect, Isaac Brouillard Lessard, attacked him with a knife during the arrest attempt. 该事件发生在2023年3月27日,嫌疑人贝鲁阿尔受重伤,随后被警方击毙。 The incident occurred on March 27, 2023, when the suspect seriously injured Berrouard and later was shot dead by police.