根据维多利亚州议会预算办公室的一份报告,维多利亚州纳税人可能面临 160 亿澳元的额外成本,从而使郊区铁路环线项目的总成本达到 2,160 亿澳元。 Victorian taxpayers may face an additional $16 billion cost, raising the Suburban Rail Loop project total to $216 billion, according to a report by Victoria's Parliamentary Budget Office.
根据维多利亚州独立议会预算办公室的一份报告,维多利亚州纳税人可能面临郊区铁路环线项目额外 160 亿澳元的成本,使总成本达到 2,160 亿澳元。 Victorian taxpayers could face an additional $16 billion cost for the Suburban Rail Loop project, bringing the total to $216 billion, according to a report by Victoria's independent Parliamentary Budget Office. 该项目的前两个阶段(SRL East 和 North)预计将额外花费 90 亿美元用于建设和维护,并在未来 50 年内额外花费 75 亿美元。 The project's first two stages, SRL East and North, are estimated to cost an extra $9 billion to build and maintain, and an additional $7.5 billion to run over the next 50 years. 该项目旨在建设一条连接切尔滕纳姆和维多利亚州布罗德梅多斯的轨道铁路线。 The project aims to build an orbital rail line connecting Cheltenham to Broadmeadows in Victoria.