澳大利亚维多利亚州,为正在进行的345亿美元的铁路项目授予17亿美元的隧道合同。 Victoria, Australia, awards $1.7 billion tunnel contract for ongoing $34.5 billion rail project.
澳大利亚Victoria公司向Terra Verde财团授予郊区铁路通道东段17亿美元的隧道合同。 Victoria, Australia has awarded a $1.7 billion tunneling contract for the Suburban Rail Loop's eastern section to the Terra Verde consortium. 这个345亿美元的项目旨在到2035年完成从切尔滕汉姆到Werribee的90公里的轨道铁路线。 This $34.5 billion project aims to complete a 90-kilometer orbital rail line from Cheltenham to Werribee by 2035. 尽管资金缺口达200亿美元, 反对派要求暂停, 州政府仍坚持要继续这个项目, 目前计划如期进行。 Despite a $20 billion funding gap and opposition calls for a pause, the state government insists on continuing the project, which is currently on schedule.