西德尼最古老的铁路,自1895年开始运行, 关闭一年 向西德尼都市过渡。 Sydney's oldest railway, operational since 1895, closes for a year to transition into Sydney Metro.
悉尼最古老的郊区铁路,自1895年开始运营,将关闭一年,以过渡到悉尼大都会,这是澳大利亚最大的公共交通倡议。 Sydney's oldest suburban railway, operational since 1895, will close for a year to transition into the Sydney Metro, Australia's largest public transport initiative. 这种转换的目的是改善服务,但会扰乱通勤者的生活。 This conversion aims to improve services but will cause disruptions for commuters. 班克斯敦到利德科姆的班车将运行, 免费的替代巴士已到位. Shuttle trains from Bankstown to Lidcombe will operate, and free replacement buses are in place. 由于该线的年限和复杂性,该流程可能超过计划的12个月。 The process could extend beyond the planned 12 months due to the line's age and complexity. 该项目包括四条线路和113公里新铁路。 The project includes four lines and 113 km of new rail.