澳大利亚政客对维多利亚铁路项目进行辩论,其核心是成本和资金。 Australian politicians debate Victorian rail project, with costs and funding at the core.
维多利亚州政府的345亿美元 郊区铁路环行项目 已经成为联邦政治中的一个争议问题。 The Victorian government's $34.5 billion Suburban Rail Loop project has become a contentious issue in federal politics. 联邦自由党议员Dan Tehan呼吁取消该项目, 促请总理阿尔巴内斯(Albanese)将资金转用于地区道路。 Federal Liberal MP Dan Tehan calls for the project to be scrapped, urging Prime Minister Albanese to redirect funds to regional roads. 维多利亚州政府认捐118亿美元, 认为铁路对增长至关重要。 The Victorian government, which has pledged $11.8 billion, argues the rail line is crucial for growth. 联邦反对党领袖Peter Dutton提供有条件的支持, 要求州政府首先提供有保障的资金。 Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton offers conditional support, demanding the state first secure funding. 该项目的成本和资金缺口不断上升,使其成为下次选举前的一个关键问题。 The project's rising costs and funding gaps have made it a key issue ahead of the next election.