2022 年联合国报告显示,自 2000 年以来,儿童死亡率下降了 51%,但自 2015 年以来,全球实现 2030 年目标的进展速度有所放缓。 2022 UN report shows a 51% decrease in child mortality since 2000, but global progress has slowed since 2015 towards the 2030 goal.
联合国报告称,2022 年儿童死亡率将创历史新低,有 490 万儿童在五岁生日前死亡。 The United Nations reports record-low child mortality rates in 2022, with 4.9 million children dying before their fifth birthday. 这意味着自 2000 年以来下降了 51%,自 1990 年以来下降了 62%。 This represents a 51% decrease since 2000 and a 62% drop since 1990. 尽管取得了这些重大进展,但自 2015 年以来,全球在减少五岁以下儿童可预防死亡方面的进展已经放缓,而且世界仍落后于实现到 2030 年减少这些死亡的目标的计划。 Despite these significant improvements, global progress in reducing preventable deaths in children under five years old has slowed since 2015, and the world is still behind schedule to achieve the goal of reducing these deaths by 2030.