美国国务院将青年党支持者列为跨国网络。 US State Dept Labels Al-Shabaab Backers as Transnational Network.
美国财政部对在索马里活动的青年党激进组织的国际筹款和洗钱网络实施制裁,目标是非洲之角、阿拉伯联合酋长国和塞浦路斯的 16 个实体和个人。 The US Department of the Treasury has imposed sanctions on an international fundraising and money laundering network for the al-Shabaab militant group operating in Somalia, targeting 16 entities and individuals across the Horn of Africa, United Arab Emirates and Cyprus. 与基地组织有联系的青年党每年赚取超过 1 亿美元(部分通过勒索当地企业),并为世界各地其他与基地组织有联系的团体提供资金。 Al-Shabaab, linked to al-Qaeda, generates over $100 million annually, partly through extorting local businesses, and funds other al-Qaida-linked groups worldwide. 制裁冻结了这些目标的任何美国资产,并普遍禁止美国人与他们打交道,旨在破坏该组织的财务支持网络,并与美国在索马里的反恐优先事项保持一致。 The sanctions freeze any US assets of those targeted and generally bar Americans from dealing with them, aiming to disrupt the financial support network for the group and aligning with the US counterterrorism priorities in Somalia.