法国总统马克龙支持针对绝症患者进行医疗辅助死亡的新立法。 French President Macron supports new legislation for medically-assisted dying for terminally ill patients.
法国总统马克龙表示支持一项新的临终立法,该立法将首次允许在严格的条件下进行医疗协助死亡。 French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed support for a new end-of-life legislation, which would allow medically-assisted dying under strict conditions, for the first time. 马克龙表示,他不想将这项立法贴上安乐死或协助自杀的标签,而是“帮助死亡”。 Macron stated that he does not want to label this legislation as euthanasia or assisted suicide, but rather "help to die". 该法案定于五月提交议会,将使法国成为继瑞士、比利时和荷兰等国之后,下一个对绝症患者安乐死合法化的欧洲国家。 This bill, set to be submitted to the parliament in May, would make France the next European country to legalise euthanasia for terminally ill patients, following countries such as Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.