不列颠哥伦比亚省伦比市的一对夫妇被指控犯有与儿童死亡有关的刑事疏忽罪; 3月13日等待审判。 Lumby, BC couple charged with criminal neglect in connection with a child's death; await trial on March 13.
不列颠哥伦比亚省伦比 (Lumby) 夫妇 Brian William Harold Chciuk 和 Keisha Mari McCrea 对四年前与一名儿童死亡有关的刑事疏忽指控表示不认罪。 Lumby, BC couple, Brian William Harold Chciuk and Keisha Mari McCrea, pleaded not guilty to criminal neglect charges in connection with a child's death four years ago. 两人都被指控一项未能提供生活必需品的罪名。 Both are charged with one count of failure to provide the necessities of life. 这对夫妇将由一名法官单独审判,他们的下次出庭时间定于 3 月 13 日,以安排预审会议。 The couple will be tried by a judge alone and their next court appearance is set for March 13 to schedule a pre-trial conference. 孩子的死亡导致加拿大皇家骑警东南区重大犯罪部门和不列颠哥伦比亚省验尸官服务中心展开调查,并对 Chciuk 和 McCrea 提出指控。 The child's death led to an investigation by the RCMP Southeast District Major Crime Unit and the BC Coroners Service, which resulted in charges against Chciuk and McCrea.