新西兰下哈特市的一对 25 岁母亲和男子对虐待儿童指控不认罪,这些指控涉及他们 4 岁和 5 岁的孩子受到严重伤害。 25-year-old mother and man in Lower Hutt, NZ, plead not guilty to child abuse charges involving severe injuries to their 4 and 5-year-old children.
新西兰下哈特市的一对 25 岁母亲和男子对严重虐待 4 岁和 5 岁孩子的指控表示不认罪,这些孩子遭受脑出血、内脏撕裂和多处骨折。 25-year-old mother and man in Lower Hutt, NZ, plead not guilty to charges related to the severe abuse of their 4 and 5-year-old children, who suffered brain bleeds, lacerations to internal organs, and multiple broken bones. 母亲被指控未能保护孩子并密谋向警方提供虚假信息,而男子则被指控对孩子们造成严重伤害。 The mother is charged with failing to protect her children and conspiring to provide false information to police, while the man is accused of inflicting severe damage on the children. 孩子们正在安全的环境中康复,调查正在进行中。 The children are recovering in a safe environment and the investigation is ongoing.