由于费用原因,20% 的 Medicare 受益人 5 年没有看过牙医,但 Medicare Advantage 计划提供了负担得起的牙科替代方案。 20% of Medicare beneficiaries haven't seen a dentist in 5 years due to cost, but Medicare Advantage plans offer affordable dental alternatives.
负担得起的牙科保险对于老年人的健康和福祉至关重要,因为忽视牙科可能会导致牙龈疾病、营养不良、感染和情绪问题。 Affordable dental coverage is crucial for older adults' health and well-being, as dental neglect can lead to gum disease, poor nutrition, infections, and emotional issues. 许多老年人在退休后失去牙科保险,但 Medicare Advantage 计划提供了负担得起的替代方案。 Many older adults lose dental coverage upon retirement, but Medicare Advantage plans offer affordable alternatives. 凯撒家庭基金会最近的一项研究发现,由于费用原因,20% 的医疗保险受益人五年内没有看过牙医。 A recent Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 20% of Medicare beneficiaries haven't seen a dentist in five years due to cost.