19岁男子在密歇根电子烟供应中心爆炸中丧生;调查正在进行中。 19-year-old killed in Michigan vaping supplies distribution center explosion; investigation ongoing.
密歇根州爆炸中 19 岁少年被飞出的丁烷罐身亡;密歇根州克林顿镇的一个电子烟供应品配送中心发生大火,导致多起爆炸并造成一人死亡。 19-year-old killed by flying butane canister in Michigan explosion; a massive fire at a vaping supplies distribution center in Clinton Township, Michigan, led to multiple explosions and the death of one person. 该建筑以 Goo 名义运营,储存了超过 100,000 支电子烟笔和 100,000 个煤气罐。 The building, which operated under the name Goo, stored over 100,000 vape pens and 100,000 gas canisters. 大火于周一晚间被扑灭,但残余物继续闷烧至周二。 The fire was extinguished by late Monday, but the remnants continued to smolder into Tuesday. 起火原因仍在调查中,当局正在调查建筑物内存放物品的合法性。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation, and authorities are looking into the legality of what was stored in the building.