土耳其拘留了七名涉嫌向以色列摩萨德出售信息的人。 Turkey detains seven suspected of selling information to Israel’s Mossad.
土耳其警方又拘留了七名涉嫌向以色列摩萨德间谍机构出售信息的人,使最近因间谍活动被捕的总人数超过 50 人。 Turkish police have detained seven more individuals suspected of selling information to Israel's Mossad spy agency, bringing the total number of recent arrests related to espionage to over 50. 嫌疑人被指控收集土耳其个人和公司的数据并将其出售给以色列情报机构。 The suspects are accused of collecting data on individuals and companies in Turkey and selling it to the Israeli intelligence agency. 由于以色列针对巴勒斯坦人的行动,土耳其与以色列的关系一直紧张,而土耳其也是这些行动最强烈的批评者之一。 Turkey's relationship with Israel has been tense due to Israel's actions against Palestinians, and Turkey has been one of the strongest critics of these actions.