土耳其当局逮捕了科索沃国民Liridon Rexhepi, 罪名是涉嫌管理Mossad的财务。 Turkish authorities arrested Kosovar national Liridon Rexhepi on espionage charges for allegedly managing Mossad's finances.
土耳其当局于8月30日逮捕了Liridon Rexhepi, 他是科索沃国民,据称他管理着以色列摩萨德情报机构在土耳其的金融网络。 Turkish authorities arrested Liridon Rexhepi, a Kosovar national, on August 30 for allegedly managing the financial network of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency in Turkey. 8月25日,Rexhepi在进入该国后不久被拘留,据报Rexhepi承认向Mossad特工转移资金。 Detained shortly after entering the country on August 25, Rexhepi reportedly confessed to transferring funds to Mossad operatives. 他被捕是土耳其在两国紧张局势加剧的情况下,对涉嫌为以色列从事间谍活动的个人进行更广泛打击的一部分。 His arrest is part of Turkey's broader crackdown on individuals suspected of espionage for Israel amid rising tensions between the two nations.