国际海事组织和国际劳工组织发布了打击船上虐待行为的建议,提出了海事劳工公约修正案和新的国际海事组织海员培训。 IMO and ILO release recommendations to combat shipboard abuse, propose MLC amendments and new IMO seafarer training.
国际海事组织和国际劳工组织发布了一系列打击船上虐待行为的建议,包括《海事劳工公约》修正案和新的国际海事组织海员强制培训。 The IMO and ILO have issued a list of recommendations to combat shipboard abuse, including amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention and new IMO mandatory training for seafarers. 这些行动在由政府、船东和海员代表参加的国际劳工组织/国际海事组织三方联合工作组会议上进行了讨论。 These actions were discussed at a Joint ILO/IMO Tripartite Working Group meeting attended by government, shipowner, and seafarer representatives. 此外,这些组织还计划发起一项联合国际宣传运动,以打击海事部门的暴力和骚扰。 Additionally, the organizations plan to launch a joint international awareness campaign to combat violence and harassment in the maritime sector.