管理者间小组强调全球有118起海员被非法拘留的案件。 Ship managers' group InterManager highlights 118 cases of seafarers' wrongful detention globally.
国际船只管理商业集团InterManager对全球海员的不正当拘留和刑事处罚表示担忧. InterManager, a ship management trade group, is raising concerns over the unfair detention and criminalization of seafarers worldwide. 该协会正在收集有关这些事件的数据,迄今已查明118个案件,并计划与国际海事组织(海事组织)共享信息。 The association is collecting data on these incidents, having identified 118 cases so far, and plans to share the information with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 他们呼吁航运业为强调这一问题的运动作出贡献,因为海员,特别是高级官员,往往在没有适当法律依据或代理的情况下被拘留。 They are calling on the shipping industry to contribute to their campaign to highlight the issue, as seafarers, especially senior officers, are often detained without proper legal grounds or representation.