我国在新疆塔里木盆地“深地塔克1号”钻孔深度达到1万米,实现地球深部勘探突破。 China's "Shenditake 1" borehole in Xinjiang's Tarim Basin reached 10,000 meters, a breakthrough in deep-Earth exploration.
我国在新疆塔里木盆地深地钻孔深度达万米,标志着我国深地勘探取得突破。 China's landmark deep-Earth borehole drilling in Xinjiang's Tarim Basin reached 10,000 meters, marking a breakthrough in the country's deep-Earth exploration. “深地塔克1号”钻孔设计深度超过10000米,是我国首个该深度的科学勘探钻孔。 The "Shenditake 1" borehole, designed to exceed 10,000 meters, is China's first scientific exploration borehole with this depth. 该钻孔已穿透13个大陆地层,预计完工后将达到11100米。 The borehole has penetrated 13 continental strata and is expected to reach 11,100 meters upon completion.