安大略苏德伯里市社区安全承认之夜的当地英雄因勇敢和勤劳而荣耀。 Sudbury, Ontario, honors local heroes at Community Safety Recognition Night for bravery and service.
安大略苏德伯里(Sudbury)庆祝一年一度的社区安全认知之夜, 向护理人员、消防员和社区成员致敬, Sudbury, Ontario, celebrated its annual Community Safety Recognition Night, honoring paramedics, firefighters, and community members for acts of bravery like roadside baby deliveries, CPR, and fire and water rescues. 诸如Gaetan Lagrandeur等个人因致力于住院前护理而获得奖项,Lindon Shanks因拯救溺水者而获得奖项。 Awards were given to individuals such as Gaetan Lagrandeur for his dedication to pre-hospital care and Lindon Shanks for saving a drowning man. 这次活动还承认一个名叫Neely的设施犬的作用,该犬帮助减轻第一反应者的压力。 The event also recognized the role of a facility dog named Neely, who helps de-stress first responders.