西开普省高等法院因非辱骂性口语语境而宣判一名被控使用南非荷兰语脏话的男子无罪。 Western Cape High Court acquitted man accused of using Afrikaans expletive due to non-abusive, colloquial context.
西开普省高等法院审查了一名男子的缓刑,该男子在与妹妹发生争执时使用了南非荷兰语脏话“p”。 The Western Cape High Court reviewed a suspended jail sentence for a man who used the Afrikaans expletive "p-word" during a dispute with his sister. 法院认为,该术语是通俗地用来描述音乐播放器,而不是侮辱,并且没有违反针对暴力或虐待行为的保护令。 The court found that the term was used colloquially to describe a music player, not as an insult, and did not violate a protection order against violent or abusive behavior. 定罪和刑罚被撤销,该男子被无罪释放。 The conviction and sentence were set aside, and the man was acquitted.