在英国因使用“毒品”而不是处方“药物”而被捕的尼日利亚妇女。 Nigerian woman arrested in UK for using term "drugs" instead of "medications" for prescriptions.
一名居住在英国的尼日利亚女性在为丈夫购买处方药时, 使用“毒品”而不是“药物”而被捕。 A Nigerian woman living in the UK was arrested after using the word "drugs" instead of "medications" while buying prescription drugs for her husband. 联合王国的“毒品”一词经常指非法药物,导致误解。 The term "drugs" in the UK often refers to illicit substances, leading to a misunderstanding. 尽管她试图澄清,但她仍被拘留,其家遭到搜查。 Despite her attempts to clarify, she was detained and her home was searched. 事件凸显了语言和文化差异的挑战。 The incident highlights the challenges of language and cultural differences.