孟买高等法院裁定,根据印度《伊斯兰刑法》第509条,书面侮辱可受到处罚。 Bombay High Court ruled that written insults can be penalized under India's IPC Section 509.
孟买高等法院裁定,污辱性的书面言论,如电子邮件或社交媒体,可降低妇女的尊严,并应根据印度《伊斯兰刑法》第509条受到处罚。 Bombay High Court ruled that insulting written words, like in emails or social media, can lower a woman's dignity and be penalized under India's IPC Section 509. 法院驳回了“uttered”仅指口头语言,而不是书面语言的论点。 The court dismissed the argument that 'uttered' means only spoken words, not written ones. 他们强调对解释采取有目的的办法,确保社会变革影响法律原则,促进公平、正义和公平。 They emphasized a purposive approach to interpretation, ensuring societal transformations influence legal principles and promote fairness, justice, and equity.