最高法院维持拉贾斯坦邦政府工作的二胎规范,认为该规范是非歧视性的且符合宪法。 The Supreme Court upheld Rajasthan's two-child norm for government jobs as non-discriminatory and constitutional.
最高法院维持了拉贾斯坦邦政府工作的二孩规范,裁定这不存在歧视,也不违反宪法。 The Supreme Court has upheld Rajasthan's two-child norm for government jobs, ruling it is not discriminatory and does not violate the Constitution. 2001 年《拉贾斯坦邦各种服务(修正案)规则》禁止有两个以上孩子的候选人寻求政府工作。 The Rajasthan Various Service (Amendment) Rules, 2001, bar candidates with more than two children from seeking government jobs. 法院驳回了前军人 Ramji Lal Jat 提出的上诉,根据 1989 年《拉贾斯坦邦警察下属服务规则》第 24(4) 条,他被取消资格。 The court dismissed an appeal filed by ex-serviceman Ramji Lal Jat, who was disqualified under Rule 24(4) of Rajasthan Police Subordinate Service Rules, 1989. 该规则规定,2002 年 6 月 1 日之后,如果候选人有两个以上的孩子,则没有资格获得任命。 The rule states that candidates cannot be eligible for appointment if they have more than two children after June 1, 2002.