Jharkhand高等法院以平等为由,暂时停止要求75%的私人工作由当地人从事的法律。 Jharkhand High Court temporarily stops law requiring 75% of private jobs go to locals, citing equality concerns.
Jharkhand高等法院暂时停止了2021年的一项法律,该项法律要求私营公司为当地居民填补75%的空缺职位,因为它违反了就业平等原则。 The Jharkhand High Court has temporarily halted a 2021 law requiring private companies to fill 75% of job vacancies with local residents, due to concerns it violates employment equality. Jharkhand小型工业协会提交了一份请愿书,辩称法律不公平地歧视非当地候选人。 The Jharkhand Small Scale Industries Association filed a petition arguing the law unfairly discriminates against non-local candidates. 法院命令州政府作出回应,并安排在3月20日举行下一次听讯。 The court ordered the state government to respond and scheduled the next hearing for March 20.