BC省律师郭洪因长期纪律问题而第二次被取消律师资格。 BC lawyer Hong Guo disbarred for second time due to prolonged disciplinary issues.
公元前 B.C. 郭洪律师因长期严重的纪律记录,包括利益冲突、失实陈述和虚假陈述,第二次被取消律师资格。 lawyer Hong Guo has been disbarred for a second time due to a lengthy and serious disciplinary history, including conflicts of interest, misrepresentation, and false representation. BC省律师协会 The Law Society of B.C. 责令郭支付 45,497 美元的费用。 ordered Guo to pay $45,497 in costs. 在之前的一起案件中,西温哥华市长马克·萨格(Mark Sager)在承认涉及老年朋友遗产的专业不当行为后,被禁止从事法律工作两年。 In a previous case, West Vancouver Mayor Mark Sager was prohibited from practicing law for two years after admitting to professional misconduct involving an elderly friend's estate.